The Long Walk Anthology Part 2
Following the success of The Long Walk, the first anthology, last year Felix Fund is pleased to annouce that edition number 2 is now available to purchase from Amazon.
Place your orders here for the paperback, hard cover or kindle versions.
The paperback retails at £7.99, hardcover at £12.99 and the Kindle version at £4.99.
“Felix Fund is a charity but feels more like a community. I felt that night like I did when I was in uniform. Separate cap badges but we spoke a similar language, making friends with people you’d never have met had you stayed in your hometown and not gone down to the career’s office. And this book. There are good reasons for what the EOD community does to remain a mystery, but in telling the stories it can soldiers pass on the baton, spark an interest in others. And when they can tell their stories in full they should write themselves in the history pages of this role.”
–Adnan Sarwar, Patron, Felix Fund
The second book in the annual anthology of stories, memories, poems and anecdotes by men and women of ‘the Trade’ – people who work or worked in bomb disposal, published by Felix Fund – the Bomb Disposal Charity
“They call it the long walk. It’s like I’m in a bubble. Like the world went away and it’s just me… focussed… concentrating. You get used to it – it becomes normal.”
Men and women who have worked in bomb disposal tell their stories, as they saw them, as they lived them.
If you missed book number 1, you can purchase it here.